I'm a passionate Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Designer, Developer

Tharun Kommaddi

Inquisitive, Energetic Computer Science student completed Bachelor's, skilled in programming, with a strong foundation in mathematics and logic, specialized in building the competence, and passionate about Data Science, Deep Learning, and Data Analyst. I've done numerous projects on Data Science, Deep Learning, and Data Analysis projects using BI tools. I'm actively looking for Internship/Full-Time positions in Data Science, Deep Learning, and Data Analyst.

Name :Tharun Kommaddi
Portfolio : www.tharunkommaddi.com
Date of Birth :08.07.1998
Email : tharunkommaddi@gmail.com

What I Do

Data Visualisation

I am fully skilled in creating and implementing professional producing detailed Power BI reports, and performing multiple data management tasks. I also worked with various visualisation libraries of python, For e.g: Plotly, Matplotlib, Seaborn

Web Developer

I aquire an ISO certificate for web development in PHP & MySQL. In my bachelors my final year project was mostly based on it. I am also aware with MVC frameworks like wordpress.

Building Models

I have good theoretical and practical knowledge of ML, DL and NLP. I worked with numerous projects and built a lots of models to predict a data. This skills are futuristic weapons to conquer the every type of market.

Crypto Trading

Trading is also growing as a skill since technology came in our hands. I do crypto trading since 2019 and gained a lot knowledge about it. I held or holding various crypto currency like, $BTC, $ETH, $XRP, $LINK

Fun Facts

Lead Student Innovation Club


Lead English Program Club


Member of R & D lab


Student of the Year




Writing Poems

Planning Trips


Reading Research Papers & Articles

Listening Music

Streaming Youtube